An extremely bad movie and a bad advertisement for sport climbing. I don't think anyone in the film crew, including the screenwriter, saw the climbing equipment up close and how climbing is actually done. The film is full of nonsense and mistakes. No one in the world climbs like these two beauties. They could have made a good climbing movie, but they burned out on the whole line. Everything could happen live on the tower and the girls could save themselves with the right maneuvers and the right climbing equipment. It would be even more tense and interesting, but not that in the end, after all the vicissitudes, it is necessary to rescue them from the tower. If you are at least a little familiar with climbing, absolutely skip this lube, it will be better for your mental health.
Review of Fall
(I) (2022)
An extremely bad movie full of nonsense and mistakes
1 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers