This show is by far the most engaging and exciting children's show I've watched so far, that doesn't make me feel embarrassed to play an episode in front of friends and family. Even though it's directed for a younger audience, each episode has a lovely story and a lesson that can still be taught to an older viewer.
Big and Small surprised me, honestly. I found out about this show through the toothpaste meme, and I'm obsessed! The characters are beautiful, colorful, and creative and they have great voices!
Small is my favorite. He's loud, obnoxious, fun, rowdy and overly confident. He's all the great things a tiny character needs.
Big and Small surprised me, honestly. I found out about this show through the toothpaste meme, and I'm obsessed! The characters are beautiful, colorful, and creative and they have great voices!
Small is my favorite. He's loud, obnoxious, fun, rowdy and overly confident. He's all the great things a tiny character needs.