I would like to keep it as simple as I can, Except for the three lead actors Gauhar Khan, Pavan Malhotra, and Gulshan Devaiah, and one more Puneet Kumar Mishra, almost everyone was super low in the show. The actors like small screen time were far better than those who were in the main lead, Iram Badar Khan was also decent as Vidya in the show.
Gulshan looks amazing in his role, he fits into it again, From Durango to this, He nailed it everywhere, Guahar Khan looks terrific in the role and she brings charm and confidence to the character, Pavan Malhotra as Dhasu Yadav was excellent, it looks like the role was for him. Rest there was no one who put any impact on the series with the Performance.
Gulshan looks amazing in his role, he fits into it again, From Durango to this, He nailed it everywhere, Guahar Khan looks terrific in the role and she brings charm and confidence to the character, Pavan Malhotra as Dhasu Yadav was excellent, it looks like the role was for him. Rest there was no one who put any impact on the series with the Performance.