Okay, I'll bite. It immediately becomes clear that 'Darken' is a very indie feature, and possessed of limited resources. I think it's also apparent, though, that the producers wisely made the most of what they had to realize the project, and I admire the effort. Whatever filming location(s) they had available, production designer Ciara Vernon and art director Mackenzie Hartridge did a fine job of dressing up the environs to make the world of the movie feel quite distinct, and sufficiently alien; the set pieces and all within look great. Likewise, as the protagonist navigates the unfamiliar space, one readily discerns careful direction and cinematography that arranges shots so as to further cloak the mystery of the setting, and make it seem like the intended maze. Robust sound design capably magnifies emphatic sound effects that are crucial to the story being told - and speaking of audio, I also enjoy Jim McGrath's score; in the more tense moments, the music varies between uneasy ambient themes and buzzing, pulsing electronic vibes that lend strong atmosphere to the affair. And so on, and so on - I for one think 'Darken' is quite well made, and I really like it!
A keen blend of sci-fi and horror, I earnestly love RJ Lackie's screenplay and think their writing is fantastic. We're thrown into the fictional world just as the protagonist is, and likewise made to piece together bit by bit its rules and structure as we go along, never being told anything directly. From the origin and nature of "Darken," to the types of people that populate it, Lackie ties all into an active narrative that feels slightly familiar, but is surely a fresh creation all its own. Characters feel real and believable as they occupy particular roles within the story and setting, and dialogue and scene writing convey varying moods as they more concretely help to build the tale. Especially in the more action-oriented or otherwise tense instances the scene writing is wonderfully engaging, and from start to finish the movie ably carries pervasive airs of both science fiction and horror. Neither genre is ever invoked so strongly as to overwhelm the other, nor to firmly cement the picture as being a prime example thereof, but the flavors are certainly present, and delicious.
In fact, the latter phrases may be what best captures the tenor of 'Darken' as a whole. I watch this and I recognize excellent writing, direction, acting, and contributions from all those behind the scenes. Effects practical and computer-generated are equally swell in my eyes, and I really like the costume design and hair and makeup work. Props and weapons are as fetching as the set design and decoration, even little details like lighting are very smartly minded, and the production values are fabulous rich and inviting. For all that, this isn't an end-all-be-all genre feature; it's not the type of film one watches only to thereafter leap from our seat and sing its praises. What it is, however, is intelligent, absorbing, and very satisfying. Some of the best movies ever made are well worth watching again and again, and we happily do so, but they require a specific mood to be able to really engage with. Other titles may not meet the utmost high standards of film-making, but we love them nonetheless, and rewatch to our heart's content on the slightest whim. Defying humble origins, I believe 'Darken' falls solidly into the latter category: a bit viscerally fun, a bit duly invigorating, and roundly entertaining, all while telling a good story and looking rather sharp.
I'm a smidgen surprised at the apparent poor reception this has received, and I can only suppose that other viewers aren't ready to entreat with the feature on its level. I watch 'Darken' and see a genre flick into which immense heart, passion, and labor was abundantly poured, and the result is far better than I'd have assumed sights unseen. A few beats are perhaps on the nose, and slightly gauche for the fact of it, but if we lambaste this picture for that fault, a lot of other movies are on the chopping block, too. I recognize here a sincerity, ardor, and love of storytelling and making movies that characterize some of my favorite films. For my part, I can only offer my congratulations to all those involved: I had a splendid time watching 'Darken,' and I look forward to seeing more in the future of what everyone has to offer. Nicely done!
A keen blend of sci-fi and horror, I earnestly love RJ Lackie's screenplay and think their writing is fantastic. We're thrown into the fictional world just as the protagonist is, and likewise made to piece together bit by bit its rules and structure as we go along, never being told anything directly. From the origin and nature of "Darken," to the types of people that populate it, Lackie ties all into an active narrative that feels slightly familiar, but is surely a fresh creation all its own. Characters feel real and believable as they occupy particular roles within the story and setting, and dialogue and scene writing convey varying moods as they more concretely help to build the tale. Especially in the more action-oriented or otherwise tense instances the scene writing is wonderfully engaging, and from start to finish the movie ably carries pervasive airs of both science fiction and horror. Neither genre is ever invoked so strongly as to overwhelm the other, nor to firmly cement the picture as being a prime example thereof, but the flavors are certainly present, and delicious.
In fact, the latter phrases may be what best captures the tenor of 'Darken' as a whole. I watch this and I recognize excellent writing, direction, acting, and contributions from all those behind the scenes. Effects practical and computer-generated are equally swell in my eyes, and I really like the costume design and hair and makeup work. Props and weapons are as fetching as the set design and decoration, even little details like lighting are very smartly minded, and the production values are fabulous rich and inviting. For all that, this isn't an end-all-be-all genre feature; it's not the type of film one watches only to thereafter leap from our seat and sing its praises. What it is, however, is intelligent, absorbing, and very satisfying. Some of the best movies ever made are well worth watching again and again, and we happily do so, but they require a specific mood to be able to really engage with. Other titles may not meet the utmost high standards of film-making, but we love them nonetheless, and rewatch to our heart's content on the slightest whim. Defying humble origins, I believe 'Darken' falls solidly into the latter category: a bit viscerally fun, a bit duly invigorating, and roundly entertaining, all while telling a good story and looking rather sharp.
I'm a smidgen surprised at the apparent poor reception this has received, and I can only suppose that other viewers aren't ready to entreat with the feature on its level. I watch 'Darken' and see a genre flick into which immense heart, passion, and labor was abundantly poured, and the result is far better than I'd have assumed sights unseen. A few beats are perhaps on the nose, and slightly gauche for the fact of it, but if we lambaste this picture for that fault, a lot of other movies are on the chopping block, too. I recognize here a sincerity, ardor, and love of storytelling and making movies that characterize some of my favorite films. For my part, I can only offer my congratulations to all those involved: I had a splendid time watching 'Darken,' and I look forward to seeing more in the future of what everyone has to offer. Nicely done!