A sequel of sorts to Sicko-Psychotic's earlier horror host show, the sheer artistry and genius production design is mind blowing, begging the viewer to pause and examine the details.. The influence of the Krofft Brothers is obvious, but Sicko and his friends are wholly original creations.
Every one of the characters is at once scary and lovable. It is never sugar coated that Sicko is a murderous, flesh-eating ghoul, but he's also impossible to dislike, as are his pet spider, the hilarious Silky Harlot, Cameo (a camera obscura containing the soul of one of Sicko's victims) and his henchman Mr. Nasty.
While most horror hosts must swim in the shallow pool of the public domain, Sicko and fiends...I mean "friends" must be commended for taking shopworn "classics" and crafting them into something exciting and original.
Every one of the characters is at once scary and lovable. It is never sugar coated that Sicko is a murderous, flesh-eating ghoul, but he's also impossible to dislike, as are his pet spider, the hilarious Silky Harlot, Cameo (a camera obscura containing the soul of one of Sicko's victims) and his henchman Mr. Nasty.
While most horror hosts must swim in the shallow pool of the public domain, Sicko and fiends...I mean "friends" must be commended for taking shopworn "classics" and crafting them into something exciting and original.