Japanese Drama "Konojo wa Kirei datta" is a fun short drama with a cute romance.
And sure the love triangle didn't pay off (especially compared to the original Korean Drama), but the main love story was sweet and wasn't overburdened with unnecessary drama. Rather, it was kept clean and enjoyable. The misunderstandings were fun to watch and the office drama was a nice touch, without overshadowing the main story. However, the most interesting part was the friendship between the girls that was sweet and had its ups and downs, but felt more realistic because of them. It also helped with the character development as well. Unfortunately, there were some parts that were rushed and didn't feel as smoothly developed as others.
As for the performances, they were all great.
So, overall, 6 out of 10. It's a fun, entertaining, light drama.
And sure the love triangle didn't pay off (especially compared to the original Korean Drama), but the main love story was sweet and wasn't overburdened with unnecessary drama. Rather, it was kept clean and enjoyable. The misunderstandings were fun to watch and the office drama was a nice touch, without overshadowing the main story. However, the most interesting part was the friendship between the girls that was sweet and had its ups and downs, but felt more realistic because of them. It also helped with the character development as well. Unfortunately, there were some parts that were rushed and didn't feel as smoothly developed as others.
As for the performances, they were all great.
So, overall, 6 out of 10. It's a fun, entertaining, light drama.