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The Bear: System (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
This Show Feels Promising
29 June 2022
FX doesn't miss w/ their shows for the most part, "The Bear", so far, is nothing short of that. There's a mystery around why Carmen is called the bear, maybe a name from childhood, maybe he's been bullied w/ the name & that's why he has visions or maybe he had some experience w/ an actual bear. Regardless, it makes the show even more interesting than it is and somehow the nickname fits right in with his character. I love the dichotomy between Carm and his workers, its all too toxic but feels all too real when it comes to the food service... Not to mention the dichotomy between him and his cousin who seeming co-owns(?) the restaurant they are all working at. Yeah, they captured what it feels like to work with family here, it's not all stars and stripes. I also love the hardcore and punk music laced throughout the show, Refused's "New Noise" plays through a re-written melody for the sure that just fits like a glove oddly. One of the chefs and family friends wears a Harm's Way shirt and Pearl Jam plays at the end. This show is so oddly infectious it reminds me of how I felt when I first watched Freaks And Geeks, it's infectious but you don't know why, it goes straight for your soul and wants you coming back for more. I'm glad I started watching this after I saw my friends post about the music in the show and how good it is, this show is truly starting to be a gem & its rare to see ratings go up in episodes over a season on this website. Can't wait to watch more.
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