This is just unbelievably bad. I wasn't expecting much, and I NEVER watch these type of shows, but the poster looked interesting and I thought it may be like the Incredibles, but nooo.
So not only was it one of the most forced and unfunny things I've seen in a long time, but they actually added a prerecorded laugh track, yeah, not a live audience laughing, which they couldn't because no one would laugh to this.
You know you have a real loser on your hands when you have to add prerecorded laugh tracks to the show.
The cast was just ridiculously bad on so many levels.
Big FAT no!
So not only was it one of the most forced and unfunny things I've seen in a long time, but they actually added a prerecorded laugh track, yeah, not a live audience laughing, which they couldn't because no one would laugh to this.
You know you have a real loser on your hands when you have to add prerecorded laugh tracks to the show.
The cast was just ridiculously bad on so many levels.
Big FAT no!