Edison, The Man (1940) :
Brief Review -
The great Spencer Tracy as the great Thomas Edison tells the great story of the great man and great inventor. Thomas Alva Edison, the name which needs no introduction. We usually use it as an example to inspire people because we all know that his achievements are truly unmatchable. So many sleepless he had, just to invent those instruments which have made our lives easy and accessible. He didn't sleep for nights to invent that Bulb, under which we sleep peacefully. But do we know his real struggle? Did we know that the greatest inventor on the earth who invented so many devices lived most of his life as a penniless person? Did we know that while he was trying tirelessly to make mankind's future easy, some money minded fellas were against this revolution? Well, there are lots of things we don't know and 'Edison, The Man' surely makes you acknowledge most of those things, if not all. Unexpectedly, it's highly fictionalised but all for good. 82 year old inventor and entrepreneur Thomas Alva Edison is honored in 1929 and he reflects back on his sixty year career of scientific achievement. The film takes you to his younger days when he didn't have the money to pay for the luncheon he was supposed to buy for a lady. And what a lady he got. Extremely supportive and always there to stand with him. The same goes for the team which worked for him and this God-sort-of man deserved such people around him. Tracy plays Edison, who I think was nothing less than a God. His constant and permanent endeavour was to help mankind with the help of science and he just didn't limit himself to that, but he went to take care of those needy people too, even though he himself was broke. 'He, still would've been a great man', the speaker says. Spencer Tracy's performance and Clarence Brown's direction makes it a Must Watch despite few flaws, especially for science lovers (like me).
RATING - 7.5/10*
By - #samthebestest.
The great Spencer Tracy as the great Thomas Edison tells the great story of the great man and great inventor. Thomas Alva Edison, the name which needs no introduction. We usually use it as an example to inspire people because we all know that his achievements are truly unmatchable. So many sleepless he had, just to invent those instruments which have made our lives easy and accessible. He didn't sleep for nights to invent that Bulb, under which we sleep peacefully. But do we know his real struggle? Did we know that the greatest inventor on the earth who invented so many devices lived most of his life as a penniless person? Did we know that while he was trying tirelessly to make mankind's future easy, some money minded fellas were against this revolution? Well, there are lots of things we don't know and 'Edison, The Man' surely makes you acknowledge most of those things, if not all. Unexpectedly, it's highly fictionalised but all for good. 82 year old inventor and entrepreneur Thomas Alva Edison is honored in 1929 and he reflects back on his sixty year career of scientific achievement. The film takes you to his younger days when he didn't have the money to pay for the luncheon he was supposed to buy for a lady. And what a lady he got. Extremely supportive and always there to stand with him. The same goes for the team which worked for him and this God-sort-of man deserved such people around him. Tracy plays Edison, who I think was nothing less than a God. His constant and permanent endeavour was to help mankind with the help of science and he just didn't limit himself to that, but he went to take care of those needy people too, even though he himself was broke. 'He, still would've been a great man', the speaker says. Spencer Tracy's performance and Clarence Brown's direction makes it a Must Watch despite few flaws, especially for science lovers (like me).
RATING - 7.5/10*
By - #samthebestest.