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Threads (1984 TV Movie)
Who Needs Vampire and Zombie Movies for Horror?-Threads
9 February 2022
Every zombie and vampire movie ever made are Disney cartoons compared to Threads. One begins to realize the complete impotence of Hollywood crap like The Walking Dead and 100 variations of Vampire films. There is absolutely no need to see a horror film after viewing this piece; no horror film ever made could even have a tenth of its impact. The ghastly scenes are too numerous to mention; the horror all too real and unspeakable. The lucky ones are those who were killed instantly. A fable about a nuclear attack in England hits the bullseye for horror. Mr. Hines has created a horror masterpiece. The only thing is that vampires and zombies are fantasies; these survivors of a nuclear holocaust are real-life people. Well, I would not exactly call them people, but lower life forms of animals, as the human race would no longer exist as we know it. Only subhuman animals seeking water, food, shelter and clothing. This is the Rolls Royce of Nuclear Holocaust films. And now we have the US-Russia crisis over Ukraine. How much different is that from the one portrayed in the film? Not much. Might be time to stock up on bottled water, canned foods, a first aid kit, a supply of generic drugs, and a 38 with lots of cartridges and head for that remote cabin at the lake.
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