This Porky Pig cartoon is unusual because it's set in cartoon caveman days. Most of the story involves Porky out looking for an animal to kill in order to make himself a new suit. This part of the story is fine....but I more just enjoyed the odd setting and characters.
Some of the jokes in this cartoon would be lost on most everyone today--such as the character welcoming everyone to the cartoon with the phrase "Hello everybody"...Kate Smith's signature radio phrase. There are also vultures that are clearly modeled after Jerry Colonna and Nick Sparks....comics who are pretty much forgotten today by everyone except oddballs like me! Overall, enjoyable and cute.
Some of the jokes in this cartoon would be lost on most everyone today--such as the character welcoming everyone to the cartoon with the phrase "Hello everybody"...Kate Smith's signature radio phrase. There are also vultures that are clearly modeled after Jerry Colonna and Nick Sparks....comics who are pretty much forgotten today by everyone except oddballs like me! Overall, enjoyable and cute.