Yikes! Well. When I discovered that there was a kind of French parallel to "Life of Brian" (and quite big-budget!), I wildly wanted to see it and ordered the Blu-ray straightaway (it has English subtitles). One of the many things that work against this movie (at least for those of us who aren't French) is its title, which is long, very hard to remember, and just as hard to spell.
Another thing is that this is not a religious satire at all, but just a comedy spoof of the old "Cleopatra" movie, mixed in with a lot of elements from Asterix. Quite possibly, this is funny for a French audience, but to anyone else, its extreme Frenchness works against it. Back in Roman days (or was it the Renaissance?), gay themes were ridiculed as "Greek love", but today, based on this and other movies, gay themes are very, very French. After seeing this, I suddenly understand all the references to French gayness in the Blackadder New Year's Special: Back and Forth. This cringiness is another reason that this movie has been buried by the collective memory of the international community, although it has to be said that it could get a renaissance in the post-metoo world. But to heteros, this is not the kind of movie you show to your male friends!
The sad fact of the matter is that, while it held my attention, this movie just wasn't very funny. I laughed maybe two or three times in it. And I watch a lot of foreign movies and am very open to them. So in that sense it was a disappointment, but, on the other hand, it is very bizarre and relatively big-budget, and as such I was fascinated by the fact that it exists in the world. It was thought-provoking in terms of cinematic history, and in terms of cinematic weirdness.
Another thing is that this is not a religious satire at all, but just a comedy spoof of the old "Cleopatra" movie, mixed in with a lot of elements from Asterix. Quite possibly, this is funny for a French audience, but to anyone else, its extreme Frenchness works against it. Back in Roman days (or was it the Renaissance?), gay themes were ridiculed as "Greek love", but today, based on this and other movies, gay themes are very, very French. After seeing this, I suddenly understand all the references to French gayness in the Blackadder New Year's Special: Back and Forth. This cringiness is another reason that this movie has been buried by the collective memory of the international community, although it has to be said that it could get a renaissance in the post-metoo world. But to heteros, this is not the kind of movie you show to your male friends!
The sad fact of the matter is that, while it held my attention, this movie just wasn't very funny. I laughed maybe two or three times in it. And I watch a lot of foreign movies and am very open to them. So in that sense it was a disappointment, but, on the other hand, it is very bizarre and relatively big-budget, and as such I was fascinated by the fact that it exists in the world. It was thought-provoking in terms of cinematic history, and in terms of cinematic weirdness.