This is a really touching story written and directed by Veronica Robledo. The actors were all lovely. We really enjoyed the relationship between the two contemporary leads, Kristen Renton and Maurice Johnson but all of the actors were quite good. The portayals of the two women in the past-friends for life Ophelia (played by Jaimie Butler) and Emmalaine (KateLynn E. Newberry) were especially wonderful and heartbreaking.
The blend between the 1800s harsh and sometimes violent past and the modern day kindness works very well advancing the dance to the light and hope filled end. So happy to see a woman director bringing this meaningful story to the forefront with a strong vision and steady hand. She also keeps it from falling into gratuitous violence. Beautiful location. Nice cinematography. Put The Crickets Dance on your list to watch.
The blend between the 1800s harsh and sometimes violent past and the modern day kindness works very well advancing the dance to the light and hope filled end. So happy to see a woman director bringing this meaningful story to the forefront with a strong vision and steady hand. She also keeps it from falling into gratuitous violence. Beautiful location. Nice cinematography. Put The Crickets Dance on your list to watch.