A delightful collection of animated Christmas themed cartoons returns to the airwaves in METV's variety show. No kidding, as a Gen. X I remembered seeing nearly every toon selected. I remember them fondly, just like the host. The shorts have all been cleaned up. They look and sound better than I ever remember. There are some state of the art animators showcased from Tex Avery, Chuck Jones and the Fleisher Studio. I'm happy to see a show that harkens back to the time of local television personalities programming for their audience. The skits in between cartoons are hit or miss, and quite frankly, a little less would be better. Still, I'd love to see more specials like these, and I would really like to see this run a few more times this holiday season.
MeTV's Super Colossal Cartoon Christmas
(2021 TV Special)
Christmas Gems Return to the Airwaves!
14 December 2021