Probably one of the most poorly produced documentaries out there. Yes, the video & graphics have a polished look and there are some crime scene photos and interviews, but for the most part, the series is nearly 7 hours of talking heads and repetitive graphics that could have EASILY been edited down to an hour.
In the style of those real crime documentaries that A&E used to crank out in the 90's, these seven separate episodes "tell you they're going to tell you something", "tell you something", "then tell you what they told you". Rinse & repeat.
There's really no more information here than any newspaper article before it. At no point do we see surveillance video leading up to the arrest, video of the arrest or interview of "the killer". There's no build up at all, just relief that it's over.
The "grand finale" is a recap of everything you've already seen 6-8 times. (Yawn). We're left wondering if there is a better documentary out there that will tell the story better.
The real crime here is how much money you imagine HBO paid for this to be made.
In the style of those real crime documentaries that A&E used to crank out in the 90's, these seven separate episodes "tell you they're going to tell you something", "tell you something", "then tell you what they told you". Rinse & repeat.
There's really no more information here than any newspaper article before it. At no point do we see surveillance video leading up to the arrest, video of the arrest or interview of "the killer". There's no build up at all, just relief that it's over.
The "grand finale" is a recap of everything you've already seen 6-8 times. (Yawn). We're left wondering if there is a better documentary out there that will tell the story better.
The real crime here is how much money you imagine HBO paid for this to be made.