This was excessively stupid, with lazy, loud jump-scares, no character building or development, and absolutely no thrills or suspense whatsoever.
The story is completely pointless. It relies on weak and offensive stereotypes of what disabled children look and act like, and what year was this supposed to be?! North America hasn't housed groups of disabled children in "asylums" since the 1920s.
What was the point of the facial deformity? Do children with intellectual disabilities have huge facial deformities now?? And what was the point of the coma? What was the point of the screaming and crying all the time? How is screaming into the sky compelling in any way?
This whole movie was one dumb turd of an idea after the other. I'd rather spend the night in the sewage below an actual hospital, in any time period, than ever see this dumb, stupid, predictable, stupid, stupid movie ever again.
The story is completely pointless. It relies on weak and offensive stereotypes of what disabled children look and act like, and what year was this supposed to be?! North America hasn't housed groups of disabled children in "asylums" since the 1920s.
What was the point of the facial deformity? Do children with intellectual disabilities have huge facial deformities now?? And what was the point of the coma? What was the point of the screaming and crying all the time? How is screaming into the sky compelling in any way?
This whole movie was one dumb turd of an idea after the other. I'd rather spend the night in the sewage below an actual hospital, in any time period, than ever see this dumb, stupid, predictable, stupid, stupid movie ever again.