Richard Long, David Janssen, Marshall Thompson, Jack Kelly, and William Reynolds are four G. I.s on terminal leave in India. Looking for a souvenir, they bribe their way into the ceremony of a snake cult. When they are discovered, they are cursed with death, one by one, in the form of Faith Domergue, who follows them back to the US and kills them in the form of a cobra.
This is one of those 1950s Universal horror/scifi movies that, in the hands of someone like Jack Arnold, would turn out to have something sensible and even witty to say about the way we lived in that decade. In the hands of competent but uninspired Francis D. Lyons, it turns into a decent thriller which, if it had anything to say except "Don't be boorish", I can't see it.
This is one of those 1950s Universal horror/scifi movies that, in the hands of someone like Jack Arnold, would turn out to have something sensible and even witty to say about the way we lived in that decade. In the hands of competent but uninspired Francis D. Lyons, it turns into a decent thriller which, if it had anything to say except "Don't be boorish", I can't see it.