Overlooked, Oddly Titled Sleeper of a Western Directed by the always Watchable, Edgy Phil Karlson with two Outstanding Leads.
Father and Son Van Heflin and a Turn-Your-Head Performance from Hollywood Protege, Pretty-Boy Tab Hunter.
The Story, while Familiar, is a Cliche made Riveting by the Depth of the Script, the Aforementioned Heflin and Hunter, and some Good Support from James Darren (the "good" Son) and Kathryn Grant as a Forbidden Love Interest, a Native American.
The Action is Dispersed at Regular Intervals and is Essential to the Unfolding Plot of Father vs Son, Good vs Evil, and Racial Bigotry as a Side-Lighted Ingredient that Enriches the Tale.
A Must See for Western Fans and those Not Usually Drawn to the Genre.
It Truly is Worth a Watch and should be Elevated among the Incredible Output of the Western in the 50's that Tends to Bury Hidden-Gems like this one.
A Surprising Find and one that Should Increase in Respect as Film Buffs and Historians Discover its Gravitas as a Movie Forgotten almost as Soon as it was Released,
Father and Son Van Heflin and a Turn-Your-Head Performance from Hollywood Protege, Pretty-Boy Tab Hunter.
The Story, while Familiar, is a Cliche made Riveting by the Depth of the Script, the Aforementioned Heflin and Hunter, and some Good Support from James Darren (the "good" Son) and Kathryn Grant as a Forbidden Love Interest, a Native American.
The Action is Dispersed at Regular Intervals and is Essential to the Unfolding Plot of Father vs Son, Good vs Evil, and Racial Bigotry as a Side-Lighted Ingredient that Enriches the Tale.
A Must See for Western Fans and those Not Usually Drawn to the Genre.
It Truly is Worth a Watch and should be Elevated among the Incredible Output of the Western in the 50's that Tends to Bury Hidden-Gems like this one.
A Surprising Find and one that Should Increase in Respect as Film Buffs and Historians Discover its Gravitas as a Movie Forgotten almost as Soon as it was Released,