This movie was made by Can Dundar who has a bruning hatred for Ataturk and used to work with a radical Islamist cult to try and turn Turkey into an Iran style theocratic dictatorship. It's full of inaccuracies, misrepresentations but also outright lies.
Look no man was perfect. No one is upset because Ataturk isn't being portrayed as some sort of flawless man. But this is just pure nonsense written and made by a bunch of people who have an obsessive grudge against Ataturk and the secular republic he founded.
If you want to learn about Ataturk, read the books of Andrew Mango, or Ilber Ortayli (Prof Ilber's books have English translations)
Look no man was perfect. No one is upset because Ataturk isn't being portrayed as some sort of flawless man. But this is just pure nonsense written and made by a bunch of people who have an obsessive grudge against Ataturk and the secular republic he founded.
If you want to learn about Ataturk, read the books of Andrew Mango, or Ilber Ortayli (Prof Ilber's books have English translations)