Candy (2017) is a movie I recently watched on Prime and tells the story of four Houston based best friends in the city who smuggle drugs and make lots of cash. As they get bigger and better and start to expand they look to execute their biggest move yet; unfortunately for them, one of the ladies has a new boyfriend and gets addicted to heroine. It might be a bad time to not be on your A game and there may quickly be a change in fortune for the ladies. This movie is directed by Nahala Johnson (Dominos: The Game We Play) and stars Sheneka Adams (Brotherly Love), Anthony Johnson (Friday), Kendrick Smith (Because I Love You) and Scarface (Narc). The strip club opening and the actresses in this are absolutely magnificent. The dialogue between characters isn't bad and the narration by the main character isn't terrible but isn't great either. The directing, quality of the film and cinematography are just okay and the ending of the movie is ridiculous. It sets up to be a great tragedy piece, but falls short. There are some twists at the end that could have been really good if executed better. This is a movie that with a better team could have been worthwhile. Overall this is a below average addition to the genre you can skip. I would score this a 3/10.
Review of Candy
(III) (2017)
This is a movie that with a better team could have been worthwhile
23 September 2021