First, I hate it when producers (or whomever) pepper a film with "dramatic" scenes of anguish where an actor is sitting still, crying, thinking, dreaming, looking off in the distance, gnashing their teeth, etc., etc. Zzzzzzz. So when I see that starting to happen, I ramp up the movie's speed. I watched this one at at nearly twice its normal speed and it STILL DRAGGED. There was no character development to speak of, lots of snow, one desperate father, and .... and .... and .... then the movie just ends. Hello? Did you find him? Ever? Was that supposed to be suspenseful? Fortunately I not only sped up the movie, I kept hitting the right arrow to move it quickly from scene to scene. Someone please teach these film makers how to make a film. Waste of a compelling drama, sad that it's true, glad that it's over. Next!!!