It's a fair question: What becomes of the final survivor of any given horror film, after all their friends are dead? Sometimes we see a hint of that resolution play out in movies, but only for mere seconds before credits roll. 'Last one screaming' explores this idea more concretely, though I'm not sure it translates well into a short film.
This much is true: Camila Greenberg is a fine young actress, and I'd quite like to see her in more movies. The makeup and stylized blood effects that we see are swell.
The boneheaded cops, giving running commentary, are unnecessary. The story imparted by Ashley (Greenberg) is suitable, if not especially grabbing. The conclusion of her discussion with the FBI agent is so blasé as to be a bit less than believable.
Yes, this is only a 9-minute short film, and with emphasis on the blood and a minor recreation of the events being recalled, it's scope has been defined. But in my mind, if we're going to examine the aftermath of a bloodbath by way of a survivor, then the concept deserves - needs - more narrative. What becomes of Ashley in the following days? Weeks? Months? How does she grapple with what she's gone through? A lengthier treatment, focusing on the character - as much drama as horror - would be a better realization of the notion.
I suppose we can't fault filmmaker Matt Devino for working within his limits to realize 'Last one screaming' as it is. A job well done, generally speaking. I just have the problem of easily imagining what more it could have been.
This much is true: Camila Greenberg is a fine young actress, and I'd quite like to see her in more movies. The makeup and stylized blood effects that we see are swell.
The boneheaded cops, giving running commentary, are unnecessary. The story imparted by Ashley (Greenberg) is suitable, if not especially grabbing. The conclusion of her discussion with the FBI agent is so blasé as to be a bit less than believable.
Yes, this is only a 9-minute short film, and with emphasis on the blood and a minor recreation of the events being recalled, it's scope has been defined. But in my mind, if we're going to examine the aftermath of a bloodbath by way of a survivor, then the concept deserves - needs - more narrative. What becomes of Ashley in the following days? Weeks? Months? How does she grapple with what she's gone through? A lengthier treatment, focusing on the character - as much drama as horror - would be a better realization of the notion.
I suppose we can't fault filmmaker Matt Devino for working within his limits to realize 'Last one screaming' as it is. A job well done, generally speaking. I just have the problem of easily imagining what more it could have been.