If you want to see the most detailed film on Bundy, especially as an adult during his crime spree, then this just over 3 hour, two part TV movie is still without a doubt the best bet. It doesn't detail or show much of his crimes, the scene usually cuts just before the crime, but that's how 80's TV movies usually dealt with the extreme. The film though does show many of Bundy's personal relationships and real nuances more than any other recreation I've seen. Harmon's Golden Globe nominated performance is perhaps the closest anyone has ever come to matching the real Bundy personaS, as multiple as they were. The film details quite well the cunning subtle manipulative aspects of Ted. Bringing girls he had safe relationships with to parties with connected community people, making a friendly, smiley appearance and then quickly taking off. Like a politician, just gradually working everybody little by little, until hopefully one day he could use them for his gain. He was a Psych major, a Law student and a person who had considered getting into politics. Bundy is the type of serial killer that interests me because he was smart. Most serial killers in history, the ones that have been caught at least, were not very intelligent people. There are of course quite a few exceptions, but it is true that predominantly most come from abusive backgrounds, with little money, and have less than average intelligence. It's just a fact. Bundy as well as most of the more interesting serial killers in history, definitely defy those often common factors, especially when it comes to intelligence. This film is pretty standard in it's delivery, but quite detailed and well acted, so very worth the watch. This account was actually praised for how close to fact it was when it came out. The amount of things they have right is pretty impressive, especially when you consider that when this film came out, Bundy still had not even confessed to even one of the murders on record. However the evidence was staggering. As it is well said in this film, the guy could in his mind rationalize anything. The only big knock I have against the film really is the terrible 80's musical score. Thankfully they didn't flood the film with too, too much of it. Just enough to make you very sure you hate it. 7.5/10.