I had this saved on my Amazon next movies to watch this and it was late I didn't want to really put it on because of the 2 hour length but decided to anyways and for the first 30 minutes or so there is not really any indication of what is gonna happen but there is an evilness under with how strange and decadent the hosts are acting towards the couple the entire time telling stories that have no significance to the plot and drags on forever with not much happening but evenbefore that its kind of clear the direction this is going with the talk of eating human livers and then eventually the evil hosts make their move which was of no surprise at all and its the typical set of events that take place in these kinds films but without the build up or twists and the ending was kinda of unneeded and taking it too far pointless so overall I wouldn't recommend this way too long for no reason when nothing happens and a lot of useless dialouge.
I would recommend the 2015 film that is on netflix called the invitation much better than this in every way.
I would recommend the 2015 film that is on netflix called the invitation much better than this in every way.