This is a style in which the French somehow specialize themselves, the dramatic comedy: The movies looks like humorous, light stuff, with the happily drawn poster (another French speciality), fun premise and renowned comedy actors, then after at best 20 minutes of discutable humor, becomes an intense, draining emotional drama.
And yet that's a Bertrand Blier movie, right there - but maybe his lesser one. To me, the reason is simple - the whole filming have been difficult, due to the suicide of Patrick Dewaere, the actor wanted for what became Lhermitte' part. With a tortured Coluche taking away Dewaere's girlfriend shortly before his death, the situation on the set was ressembling the one on the scenario way too much for comfort. As a result, Coluche was somewhat absent in the movie. You can feel every actor having a bad time, except maybe Huppert, who shines.
It needs to be said, because you can be renting this as you need a bit of laugh, then face an un-expected emotional down well transmitted by the actors and the scenario. Ah well.
Apart for that the technical aspects were good and bla bla bla, you know.
And yet that's a Bertrand Blier movie, right there - but maybe his lesser one. To me, the reason is simple - the whole filming have been difficult, due to the suicide of Patrick Dewaere, the actor wanted for what became Lhermitte' part. With a tortured Coluche taking away Dewaere's girlfriend shortly before his death, the situation on the set was ressembling the one on the scenario way too much for comfort. As a result, Coluche was somewhat absent in the movie. You can feel every actor having a bad time, except maybe Huppert, who shines.
It needs to be said, because you can be renting this as you need a bit of laugh, then face an un-expected emotional down well transmitted by the actors and the scenario. Ah well.
Apart for that the technical aspects were good and bla bla bla, you know.