If you are considered one of the best sword man ... well you know you will have others who will test that. And that is putting it mildly. It doesn't matter how you feel about things or how you treat others, it is about the title. Well that is what most would say of course.
Then again how much of a reason do we need to see Sword fights in a Shaw Brothers movie? Exactly! But it is refreshing to see that a plan is put in place, that while wicked and morally very low ... it is something many may have wondered ... like why don't you try a dirty trick on someone that is unbeatable? Here we get something that is satisfying and despicable at the same time. The story may seem like it is knitted together by a string but it still works. And consdering this probably was all shot in a studio ... well it really looks good for that. Not to mention the really good stunts (forget about the fake blood and enjoy it for what it is)
Then again how much of a reason do we need to see Sword fights in a Shaw Brothers movie? Exactly! But it is refreshing to see that a plan is put in place, that while wicked and morally very low ... it is something many may have wondered ... like why don't you try a dirty trick on someone that is unbeatable? Here we get something that is satisfying and despicable at the same time. The story may seem like it is knitted together by a string but it still works. And consdering this probably was all shot in a studio ... well it really looks good for that. Not to mention the really good stunts (forget about the fake blood and enjoy it for what it is)