Exterminators Of The Year 3000 chronicles the apocalypse where water is a precious commodity and Road Warrior villain rip offs try to defend such from the thirsty civilian society (or something) in either case they attack anyone who ventures out of said cave and for reasons vague. This is a really bad movie, like it is horrendous, and it is also hilarious. One big laugh is how uncool the hero's car is. Like compare such to Mad Max, indeed the car here give the golf carts of that Warriors Of The Wasteland a run for the money. At least those had blades and flame throwers. There's also some hilarity in the kid with a bionic arm (Don't ask) who often looks likes such is being held on with duct tape and then our heroes and heroine making boneheaded mistakes with their tankers and then comes a twist ending that makes no real sense and renders the movie pointless. In terms of laughable stupidity Exterminators just keeps on giving. Unintentional laughs aside, Exterminators is typical Spaghetti Apocalypse with a very predictable plot, horrible dubbing and non-existent direction. The type of disaster that ma and pa shops put out for small town teens (kids like me) to rent when we couldn't rent The Road Warrior and didn't want to wait for the real thing. Therefore Exterminators is no worse or better, but unlike say After The Fall Of New York or Endgame, such doesn't contain surprising competent filmmaking or enough lunacy and memorable absurdity to make it a great bad movie. Recommended then for the more nuanced Bad Movie lover, where as the more inexperienced should probably try Cyborg or Rats:Night Of Terror first.
*1/2 Out Of 4-(Poor)
*1/2 Out Of 4-(Poor)