The Story revolves around a 12 year old boy Harshu, and his family set in the 1990s Gujarat. It was a time when cities were just towns and owning a car was such a big deal. A great age of innocence without much sophistication that exists in the world today. It is also a nostalgic reminder for any kid growing up in the 90s on how the schools, teachers, neighbours, society, family, television programs and cars to name a few, were back then.
Much of the episodes are based on family life, that is interlaced with problems and happiness with factors involving Envy, support, emotions, Challenges, anger, love, Desire, teen issues and misunderstandings which form the backbone of the web series. Acting & all technical aspects in the making of the web series are just about par. The making and production design will remind us that we are watching a soap opera all the time.
Nothing is outstanding in the web series albeit the nostalgic factor. Characters are pretty much straight forward, that one can see in everyday life. But Yeh Meri Family is definitely worth a watch to tingle the nostalgic part of our brain and remind us about the bygone days. For youngsters out there, the show will give an idea of how urban people lived in the 1990s.
Much of the episodes are based on family life, that is interlaced with problems and happiness with factors involving Envy, support, emotions, Challenges, anger, love, Desire, teen issues and misunderstandings which form the backbone of the web series. Acting & all technical aspects in the making of the web series are just about par. The making and production design will remind us that we are watching a soap opera all the time.
Nothing is outstanding in the web series albeit the nostalgic factor. Characters are pretty much straight forward, that one can see in everyday life. But Yeh Meri Family is definitely worth a watch to tingle the nostalgic part of our brain and remind us about the bygone days. For youngsters out there, the show will give an idea of how urban people lived in the 1990s.