When I saw the teasers for this film and the poster I was excited. Finally a film that looks like an American film, there was hope that the Aussie's could pull off a micro budget film. The Characters are very interesting but an obvious ripoff of Tarantino style dialogue and similarities to Reservoir Dogs. The best thing in this film is definitely the lead actor Tommy Bradson who gives a riveting performance as a bald headed lunatic boss. I like the look of the film, it has a nice color to it but the camera work looked like students shot it. Further investigation led me to the man who coloured it worked on lord of the rings. How these guys pulled it off it commendable. The story was interesting and the reveal at the end was not obvious but I did find it a little disjointed and confusing. The special effects explosions although better than most micro budgets looked like a video game. Some of the characters made me laugh so I give points to that and by far the most points goes to the musical score - which you can listen to on youtube. Overall I think this could be a cult film and belongs in the $5 bin at your local Best Buy but at least it kept my attention.