I have been looking forward to seeing this movie since December and I was not disappointed. I am a fan of Tatsuya Fujiwara, ever since I first saw him in Battle Royale and other Japanese TV shows. This movie is an adaptation of the novel with the same name, which was deemed "unadaptable to screen" at one point. I think the director did a decent job of bringing out the characters and the atmosphere. The set is exquisitely laid out. I always love showers of flower petals, flying fighting sequences, and the use of multitudes of bright (almost unnatural) colors in this type of movies. The female lead is very pretty and adorable. Tatsuya is the typical Tatsuya that I like: world-weary and almost vulnerable on the outside, but unwavering and utterly romantic on the inside. There was a very touching scene between him and Skin that brought tears to my eyes. I think only few actors can convey that much emotion using their voice as Tatsuya does.