This is such a bad show.... Now why some episodes are great most are one sided debates the episode on ancient Aliens is one such example... It's so one sideded they have three skeptics that basically mock the theory the narrator the shows writing does the same it fails to be an equal debate as it claims to be it only shows people who agree with the shows belief and never those who debate the shows belief it's also features an episode that features the WACO incident there's no debate in the episode at all they spend the entire segment defending and painting the FBI and the US Government as Hero's when in reality they were solely responsible for Waco they misinformed the viewer with info that wasn't accurate they made out like the FBI politely knocked on the door and were attacked with assault rifles that's just wrong they (FBI ATF) harassed the cult for weeks resulting in a warning from the cult that they are afraid of an attack from the government and have taking up arms to protect themselves from the threat
The Government stormed and attacked the compound which resulted in the shoot out if you want a conspiracy ships that is truly a debate that doesn't pick sides watch the conspiracy show with Richard Syrett
Review of Codes and Conspiracies
Codes and Conspiracies
It's sure not the conspiracy show with Richard Syrett
23 June 2020