"Hellraiser: Hellseeker" is a Mystery - Horror movie and the seventh sequel of the "Hellraiser" franchise, in which we watch a businessman trying to remember and figure out what happened after a car crash that killed his wife. The only thing he has is a box that he does not know its purpose yet.
I did not like this sequel because I believe that it was not worthy of the name "Hellraiser". Except some minor clues, some objects like the puzzle box and some of the main characters of the franchise, "Hellraiser: Hellseeker" did not reach the potential of Hellraiser's name. I do not recommend anyone to watch this movie especially those who have already watched the previous "Hellraiser" movies.
I did not like this sequel because I believe that it was not worthy of the name "Hellraiser". Except some minor clues, some objects like the puzzle box and some of the main characters of the franchise, "Hellraiser: Hellseeker" did not reach the potential of Hellraiser's name. I do not recommend anyone to watch this movie especially those who have already watched the previous "Hellraiser" movies.