The story and characters are pretty cookie cutter, but with some small but interesting twists it's very watchable.
Fan service can be silly at times but I'll give them credit for atleast trying to justify it in some instances verse it being mindless instances of scantily clad teens running around for the protagonists amusement.
There are a few instances where it could have gone a "bit" darker and turned into something note worthy, but I assume that was avoided to keep it more happy/friendly.
It's fall into action, fantasy, and of course the harem genre's
Fan service can be silly at times but I'll give them credit for atleast trying to justify it in some instances verse it being mindless instances of scantily clad teens running around for the protagonists amusement.
There are a few instances where it could have gone a "bit" darker and turned into something note worthy, but I assume that was avoided to keep it more happy/friendly.
It's fall into action, fantasy, and of course the harem genre's