When we see Yoo Yeon-Seok in this series, one would think of Dr. Romantic. But the similarity stops there. Anyone who's expecting an exaggerated, overly-dramatic plot like Dr. Romantic will be disappointed watching this. Yet, I love this drama - simply for its ability to weave simple narratives into beautiful episodes every week.
It goes against any stereotype of love, hospital melodrama, and friendships - and gives you a strong vision of what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like in any aspect. As there are 5 main characters instead of 1, it really is trying to tell us 'we are not the center of attention' - everyone is their own main character. The dramatic events may happen in another room, but the characters themselves are enriching enough that they can hold their own story.
It also reflects very healthy and strong friendships. Not every gal and guy that come together must have a romance - platonic friendships can develop and last. Not everything must have an underlying meaning.
Finally, I like that there is no 'THE' bad guy. That's the thing about this drama - there are no stereotypes, no bad vs good. It's about living out our lives to the fullest, and enjoying the community around us.
Sounds lame? Well, that might say more of ourselves than about the show - how we thrive for excitement in dramatic things but miss out on the beauty and humour in everyday life.
It goes against any stereotype of love, hospital melodrama, and friendships - and gives you a strong vision of what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like in any aspect. As there are 5 main characters instead of 1, it really is trying to tell us 'we are not the center of attention' - everyone is their own main character. The dramatic events may happen in another room, but the characters themselves are enriching enough that they can hold their own story.
It also reflects very healthy and strong friendships. Not every gal and guy that come together must have a romance - platonic friendships can develop and last. Not everything must have an underlying meaning.
Finally, I like that there is no 'THE' bad guy. That's the thing about this drama - there are no stereotypes, no bad vs good. It's about living out our lives to the fullest, and enjoying the community around us.
Sounds lame? Well, that might say more of ourselves than about the show - how we thrive for excitement in dramatic things but miss out on the beauty and humour in everyday life.