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Every grown adult should watch this movie, especially us men!
23 April 2020
As a elementary school psychologist, I cannot tell you how much abuse I see and just how much it breaks my heart to see kids who are powerless go through the trauma in their life and somehow find a way to persevere and keep going! But these traumas arise later in life and cause a great deal of problems as adults become parents and are married or in relationships. We so often learn to run from our feelings, especially us men, pretending like we don't cry when no ones looking, and acting numb, when honestly we are hurting horribly on the inside. I was fortunate to be raised by a father who always encouraged me to speak my feelings and to not run from the pain I am dealing with. What made that special is my father was a successful surgeon, so it wasn't like I could rationalize my father into being some weak person that was feminine. As I got older, I realized my journey was to help others with the subject that this movie details in such a deep and profound way. So many broken marriages, so many broken men and women, marrying each other without really knowing each other. So much neglected trauma and pain. All of it bottled up has got to mean it will explode at some point. We are reaching a point in our existence were we can no longer run from these traumas that we hold in the darkness within our conscious and unconscious minds. We have become our own worst enemy and I am seeing the biggest detriment it is having, our kids. The second leading cause of death in our young adults in America 15-24 is suicide. Our kids are more likely to die from their own hands. We have got to break the chain, because our kids are hurting, our kids are our LEGACY!
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