---MOTION SICKNESS WARNING: This film is shown as First Person camera angle---
Despite only being 73 minutes long (without the credits), the entire film drags minute by minute at a tepid, bland, boring pace. It's like a bad videogame cutscene where you could choose to do actions at certain parts, but you don't get to play. The acting is decent but the story comes off like it should be a less than 10 minute short. The sloth speed at which the few plot points show up makes watching this one a chore. The film here has the categories as Horror, Comedy, and Action, but there is literally no Comedy in this film. I am not knocking it as if the comedy is bad, it actually has no comedy/humor/lighthearted parts in it, intended or not. I don't know why it lists it as a category. An unintended stupid part in it is that the film is in David's eyes point of view as the camera angle, and even though he is an entire foot taller than his wife, she is looking at a straight angle into the camera, as if he is as short as she is and they're the same height.