'Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare (2010)' is an expandalone entry in the 'Red Dead' franchise. It focuses on a zombie outbreak in the old west and sees the world of 'Red Dead Redemption (2010)' transformed into a hellish landscape. The piece has a story of its own. This time, the focus is wholly on satire. That's fine, though. As usual, the thing always finds a way to bring the mood back down, too. The narrative is nowhere near as compelling as that of the main game, but it serves its purpose and is breezy enough to never get tiresome. The gameplay is the main priority. It feels distinct because the enemies are all a lot more aggressive and can take more damage. Even the animals are bile-spewing zombies. It's an interesting world, filled with all manner of supernatural occurrence, and it's enjoyable to roam around in. The game is actually a lot of fun. It's probably one of the better zombie games I've played, actually. It isn't as good as the main title, but it's entertaining throughout. 8/10