Horror movies can be tough - to find out how to mix them, how many parts drama and other elements you can or have to put into the mix. Mystery also works wonders. Keep the audience guessing if you can. Something this movie does succesfully (imho), which is not an easy feat.
Some things may seem different than others and the movie does warrant more than one viewing to see things with the knowledge of where the story and the characters are heading. Really fine tuned and edge of your seat suspension. It has quite a lot of flaws when it comes to the story itself ... but just don't think about them - it'll make the experience better.
Some things may seem different than others and the movie does warrant more than one viewing to see things with the knowledge of where the story and the characters are heading. Really fine tuned and edge of your seat suspension. It has quite a lot of flaws when it comes to the story itself ... but just don't think about them - it'll make the experience better.