It is an internet movie, unlike Following or Unfriended, more like Thicker than Blood, but in the quality department it lays right in the middle.
I had some fun with Like Share Follow, and I do believe it tried to make the most of its budget and plot, but as Unfriended 2 showed, you can accomplished a great deal if you put some real effort into it. I will recommend this one because it is a decent production, one that should get some attention but I don't think it will turn any heads.
Nothing truly memorable, few scenes that stood out, good acting, good dialogues, overall a film that managed to stand tall on its own.
I had some fun with Like Share Follow, and I do believe it tried to make the most of its budget and plot, but as Unfriended 2 showed, you can accomplished a great deal if you put some real effort into it. I will recommend this one because it is a decent production, one that should get some attention but I don't think it will turn any heads.
Nothing truly memorable, few scenes that stood out, good acting, good dialogues, overall a film that managed to stand tall on its own.