Ofra Block, has correctly named her documentary film "Afterward". The questions about the oversimplified beliefs I have held, were not only challenged during this documentary, but continue to be in my mind, long afterward. Ms. Block was born and raised in Israel among Holocaust survivors. the film documents her personal and physical journeys, to examine her life long prejudices, through of series of interviews and encounters with a number of remarkable Palestinians and Germans. These interviews and her ability to listen deeply enables the audience to hear and think about truths that may be different from ours. To consider how her identity and the identity of " The Other" were formed. She brings to our awareness the need to pay attention to and learn about the past, and alerts us to how it can repeat itself in the present. She does not preach, nor offer solutions, but ends with the feeling that maybe through listening we can make space in our minds for the thoughts and experiences of on another.