Even for a porn-parody (actually ripoff), this exploitation of the Marvel character is lousy in almost every department. Rob Black, who ran afoul of the law with his (and partner Lizzy Borden's) over-the-line gonzo features seems to have retreated to a state of vanilla boredom.
It might have worked if he'd let the talented cast (including such luminaries as India Summer doing her Sarah Palin imitation and Alec Knight channeling Woody Harrelson's verbal style) do some credible acting, instead of overdoing it as if to broadcast that this is satire.
Action scenes and special effects are p*ss poor, and everything stops for the requisite XXX action, also subpar.
Axel Braun later took on the same material for parody, but fortunately I haven't subjected myself to watching that one -he being my least favorite current porn director.
It might have worked if he'd let the talented cast (including such luminaries as India Summer doing her Sarah Palin imitation and Alec Knight channeling Woody Harrelson's verbal style) do some credible acting, instead of overdoing it as if to broadcast that this is satire.
Action scenes and special effects are p*ss poor, and everything stops for the requisite XXX action, also subpar.
Axel Braun later took on the same material for parody, but fortunately I haven't subjected myself to watching that one -he being my least favorite current porn director.