I have always wondered how other people can act the way they do, even when it seems to go against their core beliefs. This historical study and film helped me to question how I might betray my own strong beliefs, if certain conditions were present. How could otherwise sentient, empathetic human beings carry out the grunt work of the Holocaust, racism, or school bullying?.
I remember twice involving myself in school bullying, in primary school. (When I was about 10yrs old). The target person seemed like a bad guy, but was new to the school, had not fit in, and had been bullied. I think I got caught up in the crowd mentality, and although I only buried him verbally, perhaps at that age it never occurred to me to simply talk to him. Later I felt disgusted and confused by my behaviour, and just as confused by the crowd baying me on.
This is the only time during my life where I feel I have been purposely destructive to another human being, even if I think they deserve it. I mean really, what's the point. Among other things the film indicates, this sort of crowd mentality is part of the human psyche, but offers the possibility that if understood and explored honestly, perhaps can be countered.
We for some time now have lived in a global economy. Whilst our actions affect the earth, and all of us humans that share it, I think we are socially behind the technological advances, and perhaps the impact that we are having on the global environment. Are we being blindly obedient?. As a person of 53 years old, I would say that the younger generations seem to be more in touch with challenging the actions that confront these ideas, which is comforting.
Anyway.... A thought provoking movie, about ideas that are still relevant..... I'm off the soap box.
I remember twice involving myself in school bullying, in primary school. (When I was about 10yrs old). The target person seemed like a bad guy, but was new to the school, had not fit in, and had been bullied. I think I got caught up in the crowd mentality, and although I only buried him verbally, perhaps at that age it never occurred to me to simply talk to him. Later I felt disgusted and confused by my behaviour, and just as confused by the crowd baying me on.
This is the only time during my life where I feel I have been purposely destructive to another human being, even if I think they deserve it. I mean really, what's the point. Among other things the film indicates, this sort of crowd mentality is part of the human psyche, but offers the possibility that if understood and explored honestly, perhaps can be countered.
We for some time now have lived in a global economy. Whilst our actions affect the earth, and all of us humans that share it, I think we are socially behind the technological advances, and perhaps the impact that we are having on the global environment. Are we being blindly obedient?. As a person of 53 years old, I would say that the younger generations seem to be more in touch with challenging the actions that confront these ideas, which is comforting.
Anyway.... A thought provoking movie, about ideas that are still relevant..... I'm off the soap box.