A horror, survival, stealth game with action. The ending is appropriately operatic, and challenging, not a let down.
This is another textbook game dev example of how to take one new game mechanic and tweak it 20 different ways--within a story--and with engaging characters. Masterful
As it's female-led, it has many similarities in look and feel with the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot. This is high praise in my book. Plague Tale probably has the better narrative, better story, clearer story and more masterful narrative direction. Again, high praise in my book.
It has as comparable believable world creation to Horizon Zero Dawn, high praise again. The sense of a real world, with real locations, over a great landscape is similar. Environments are not as detailed; yet, the reality and feel of interior spaces and rural villages is AAA professional
Plague Tale is more horrific than either Tomb Raider or HZD. It uses many horror and plague tropes as gameplay elements. So be prepared for gratuitous landscapes of carnage, death and destruction If this doesn't bother you, the gameplay is AAA.
This is another textbook game dev example of how to take one new game mechanic and tweak it 20 different ways--within a story--and with engaging characters. Masterful
As it's female-led, it has many similarities in look and feel with the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot. This is high praise in my book. Plague Tale probably has the better narrative, better story, clearer story and more masterful narrative direction. Again, high praise in my book.
It has as comparable believable world creation to Horizon Zero Dawn, high praise again. The sense of a real world, with real locations, over a great landscape is similar. Environments are not as detailed; yet, the reality and feel of interior spaces and rural villages is AAA professional
Plague Tale is more horrific than either Tomb Raider or HZD. It uses many horror and plague tropes as gameplay elements. So be prepared for gratuitous landscapes of carnage, death and destruction If this doesn't bother you, the gameplay is AAA.