I'm a yank but spent a lot of time in the UK and in similar venues as this one.
Great parody of small business where cliches abound but cliches create laughs. loved the dumb blonde who only answers the phone if she's not filing her nails (can't call for help if dumb blond won't answer) The whole rich people in mansions will pay more (absolutely gorgeous footage of mansion house aerial & other) but we'll do a crappy job anyway lends a back & forth ok so they're all a bit unsympathetic)
Shout out to 7 foot Phil Martin for always adding the "looming" factor- no camera tricks needed.
Fun scenes in places like the kitchen where you can play the continuity game.
Fantastic tunnel fun. I'll leave it at that, and attention paid to "wait why is...oh yeah he padlocked it" games
Hilarious scenes of incompetent workers with the main contractor increasingly frustrated.
Nice sudden 'what the?' scares without needing to rely on "call it in jump scares"
Beautiful tasty Gore. This girl loves me good tool use!
I consistently laughed hard. I'm glad that the original reception the 'short film received allowed this full one to blossom albeit at a trim under 90 minutes.