Most civil war movies come with the Southern respective, and the South suffered more than the North as almost all battles happened on Southern turf (ok Gettysburg was in Pennsylvania). The South really gets most of the attention. There is so coverage of riots in The larger Northern cities against the war and conscription, riots and the like, Lincoln's suspension of habeas orpus(sp). To have a film of people off the beaten trail like upstate New York, and their different views of such things as slavery. They did not understand that it was just an economic necessity in the agrian South to have labor that no one else would do to be economicly feasible. I believe that most slave holders hated the practice, but to not have it meant not being able to make a go of it.
I n the North things were much different and a man and his family could make a go of it. The residents still found things to scrapple about but life went better.
This film explores these people's differences.