Title should have been My Mistress My Love in this poorly staged and flatly acted clunker of NYC theatrical era porn.
Not one of Darby Lloyd Rains quality roles, merely being bitchy then violent to her doting female slave. Triangle with her brother visiting from Cleveland is pure soap opera that's never credible, same going for bro's convenient loathing of same-sex sex.
Sub-Warhol at all times with timid lack of promised BDSM and complete avoidance of incest after a 3-some is dangled, this dull film merely ends abruptly.
Alpha Blue issued it on DVD and recently Vinegar Syndrome pointlessly and redundantly played copycat.
Not one of Darby Lloyd Rains quality roles, merely being bitchy then violent to her doting female slave. Triangle with her brother visiting from Cleveland is pure soap opera that's never credible, same going for bro's convenient loathing of same-sex sex.
Sub-Warhol at all times with timid lack of promised BDSM and complete avoidance of incest after a 3-some is dangled, this dull film merely ends abruptly.
Alpha Blue issued it on DVD and recently Vinegar Syndrome pointlessly and redundantly played copycat.