I'm done watching "Grave Mysteries" for only this one reason: Every time the scene cuts to a new scene, the TV image jumps as though the tape is being abruptly cut, and it's accompanied by a brief static-like sound. What doofus thought this was a good idea? Why can't we just leave out the stupid gimmicks and present the show in a no-nonsense way? The image-jumps occur so often (the show very frequently switches scenes, as would be expected for a murder docudrama), that I practically get motion sickness just watching. There is absolutely NO reason whatsoever why this jump must occur at all, nada, zero, NO reason -- other than the director getting off on dumb gimmicks.
Review of Grave Mysteries
Grave Mysteries
(I) (2017– )
Very Annoying Jumping Screen Every Time There's a Scene Change
5 February 2019