Similar movie: Gummo. Highly recommended.
Divorce and family breakdown is a significant issue facing many today, yet a certain narrative has dominated how it is treated. Any movie that tackles broken homes deserves merit. As a male who at seventeen saw his parents divorce in the first wave (mid-80s) and seeing it spread and poison, my attitude has long shifted away from the standard narrative of the deadbeat dad loser. Nothing could be further from the truth and what divorce does is make the child eventually turn his sights on what societal forces enable and encourage such a destructive event.
Every viewpoint has to be considered.
Divorce and family breakdown is a significant issue facing many today, yet a certain narrative has dominated how it is treated. Any movie that tackles broken homes deserves merit. As a male who at seventeen saw his parents divorce in the first wave (mid-80s) and seeing it spread and poison, my attitude has long shifted away from the standard narrative of the deadbeat dad loser. Nothing could be further from the truth and what divorce does is make the child eventually turn his sights on what societal forces enable and encourage such a destructive event.
Every viewpoint has to be considered.