When you fly in an Airbus A380, you really are in a city in the sky. Dallas Campbell and Hannah Fry present this enjoyable documentary series.
This three part documentary looked at flights. How flights take off hopefully with your luggage. What it takes to feed the passengers in the plane. How pilots stay in lane when there are no lanes in the sky.
You see what happens to that luggage that never reunites with its owner. Worse those emergency situations. An airport in Maine that is there for emergency landings. A doctor on call, not on the plane but is contacted to talk through the crew in case of a passenger in a medical emergency.
There were a lot of fascinating insights in this series. Landing in Bhutan when you do not have much of an airstrip. How signs, floor coverings and lighting is use to get guide passengers at an airport. The journey luggage makes in Dubai airport and you are left wondering if horses suffer from jet lag.
This three part documentary looked at flights. How flights take off hopefully with your luggage. What it takes to feed the passengers in the plane. How pilots stay in lane when there are no lanes in the sky.
You see what happens to that luggage that never reunites with its owner. Worse those emergency situations. An airport in Maine that is there for emergency landings. A doctor on call, not on the plane but is contacted to talk through the crew in case of a passenger in a medical emergency.
There were a lot of fascinating insights in this series. Landing in Bhutan when you do not have much of an airstrip. How signs, floor coverings and lighting is use to get guide passengers at an airport. The journey luggage makes in Dubai airport and you are left wondering if horses suffer from jet lag.