Oh man, this was just awful, an hour and forty minute cacophony of twaddle and noise that is virtually impossible to understand for even a moment, it's like whoever made it had no care to make a comprehensible linear motion picture at all, and was just interested in making some manner of hyper-surrealistic nightmare garbage interpretive 'high art' that is occasionally punctuated by baffling scenes of spontaneous erotica. The only bright spot in the picture was the mad-eyed man who it featured a lot, you know who I'm on about if you've seen it. He at least was interesting to watch and livened things up out the pretentious sludge of monotony. To this day it's the only thing the actor has ever done. He wasn't that bad, he seed like a real crazy person! So this is absolutely amongst the worst 'movies' I've ever seen, you'd be very hard pressed indeed to find worse than this, it's rancid garbage, trust me. It's boring, it's aggravating, it's truly a breathtaking experience in terrible filmmaking to behold! It should be wiped from the face of the earth... Punishingly bad.